Thursday, October 12, 2006

When i grow up, I want to be a principal or a caterpillar.

Before I get into my weekly bowling update, I just wanted to say a few things about the unfortunate plane crash yesterday in NY. I think just about all of us held our breath for a quick second when we first heard or saw what was going on. It didn't really feel like a terrorist attack, but the simple fact that that idea entered our minds shows us just what kind of world we live in today. To add to that, hearing that it was Cory Lidle, was just jaw-dropping. The guy just pitched on Sunday against the Tigers. I guess it's always a little more grounding when we witness an athlete, or a movie star, or anyone well known, die. We hold these people above us, whether we feel like we do or not, we really do; and when something like this happens, it really reminds us that we aren't invincible, and that we never know when our day will come. Please don't forget that someone else died yesterday in that crash, his name was Tyler Stanger. He was a flight instructor. No one has really said if he has family or not, but he was 26, three years older than I am. Cory left behind a wife and a 6 year old son. Please tell your children, and parents, and grandparents, and sisters, and brothers, and wives, and husbands, and friends, and anyone who means something to you, that you love them. We really don't know when we can be gone.

As far as the bowling goes, we won all 7 points tonight. The team we bowled had pretty much an identical average as ours, so it was a good test of equals. We smoked 'em. As for me, I had a 175, 180 and 181; so I remained consistent. Greg had a nice 276, and reliable Eddie had a 702. Which, if you don't know, is very difficult. Enough of that. Tomorrow, football picks.


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